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On Mother’s Day, I woke up feeling the full impact of empty nest syndrome. I remember when my children were young, and my loving husband would be busy with them in the kitchen preparing brunch for me. It became a family tradition that my children would cook for me when they were in their teens. Those were the days!

Today, with my younger daughter, who married two months ago, and my older one, who works and lives in the USA, Mother’s Day morning is no longer full of sight and sound. I experienced a moment of loneliness before our family dog and my husband burst into the scene. 😊

All parents can say the parenting journey is tiring, especially when the children are young; however, it is also rewarding. We have all experienced times of uncertainty, wondering about our parenting method and its impact on our children. There have been heartache and worry, but there have also been sweet and proud moments of being a parent. Family work, that is, parent and child relationships, is one area that I am passionate about. That was one of the earlier choices of the client group I chose to work with besides couple work. I often encourage parents struggling with parenting to look beyond what is going on now, taking a more extended vision of the reward in the future.

As a mother and a trained parenting educator, I would like to share a few thoughts on parenting this Mother’s Day:

  • Have Realistic Expectations- have realistic expectations of yourself. You can’t know everything about parenting. Parenting is a learning journey. Every parent makes mistakes and learns as they go. I made many mistakes when my children were young; my daughters talked about them today, and we laughed together. I apologised for my mistakes when they were needed. Besides yourself, you should have realistic expectations of your partner and your child, too. Do not expect your child to be perfect, but expect reasonable behaviours.
  • Enjoy Your Child—Someone said, ” The day is long, and the year is short.” Spending time with your child to bond and connect is vital for your relationship and shows your child that you care. They will soon be gone if you do not cherish their young years.
  • Look After Yourself- your child needs you for the long haul, so take care of your well-being. Make time for yourself. Do not feel guilty about taking time away from your child to do one or two things you enjoy. It is normal and healthy to do so.

Whether your child is with you today or not on this Mother’s Day, take a moment to affirm yourself for the work you have done as a mother. Whatever season you may be in your motherhood (parenthood), enjoy the journey!

Written by Joselyn Loh, Founder & Clinical Director

Find out more about Belief’s Couple Therapy, Family TherapyDivorce & Co-Parenting Therapy.


  • Jose
    Posted July 1, 2024 12:35 am 2Likes

    Thanks, Joselyn for sharing your parenting journey.

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