Clinical Supervisor

Our clinical supervision service is a dedicated platform for professionals in the helping professions to enhance their skills, deepen their insights, and ensure the highest quality of care for their clients. Led by our Principal Therapist, a registered clinical supervisor with SAC, the supervision sessions provide a confidential and supportive space where you can reflect on your practice, discuss challenging cases, and receive guidance on ethical and clinical matters.

Our clinical supervision service is designed to nurture your professional growth. We offer a collaborative environment where you can explore innovative approaches, receive constructive feedback, and fine-tune your therapeutic techniques.


Read more about Joselyn Loh, Clinical Director

“It is not ideas, vision nor tools that truly matter in therapy. If you debrief patients at end of therapy about the process, what do they remember? Never the ideas-it’s always the relationship.”
Irvin D. Yalom, Psychiatrist, Author and
Professor Emeritus at Stanford University

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